MGE Connect® Helps Manage Demand on the Grid

In 2022, Madison Gas and Electric’s (MGE) smart thermostat demand response program, MGE Connect, expanded. More than 3,500 households participated in the program, which helps MGE better understand the role and impact of smart devices in helping to manage demand on the grid.
How it works
Electric use peaks during stretches of hot, humid days when energy use is higher than normal, for example, when air conditioners are running in a majority of homes and businesses. These periods of high electric use put pressure on utilities to generate and distribute enough electricity to everyone who needs it.

With MGE Connect, MGE may call an “event” with minor temperature increases to household thermostats. With customers’ permission, these minor temperature adjustments are made to MGE Connect participants’ smart thermostats to reduce energy use during these periods of high demand. Participants can change the temperature settings or opt out of events at any time.
Results from the 2022 season
MGE implemented several events during the 2022 season. Some of the events reduced usage by nearly 3 megawatts. This is equal to the power from 8,700 solar panels or enough electricity to offset the usage of about 850 MGE households in the summer.
Advancing our Energy 2030 framework
A key objective under MGE's Energy 2030 framework for a more sustainable future is to work with customers to manage long-term costs by reducing our collective use of energy. MGE is working with customers to manage growth in our electric system peak. MGE Connect helps the company explore the use of smart technologies to help customers save energy, reduce our collective impact and manage peak demand. By working together with our customers, we can achieve our goal of net-zero carbon electricity by 2050.
Visit to learn more about the program.